Saturday, January 26, 2013

building a zoo

new york
the dog bark park inn, idaho
if you know me, you'll know i love kitschy things, particularly involving animals and food (doesn't everyone?). lately, i've also gotten really into searching out oddball roadside americana, and nowhere tops my list of desired places to visit more than idaho's own dog bark park inn. you can stay with your giant dog, in a giant dog, surrounded by dog decor. goodness gracious. i couldn't have come up with something better if i'd designed it myself!

Monday, January 21, 2013

liquid eyes

among other things, in the past few months i've been singing backup and playing tambourine(try to control the eyerolls, please) for my fiance's(how strange to type!) most recent and very awesome project, the switchblade kid. we're a 7-piece live band but this is his baby. we just show up for practice! since the record came out (available here)(yes, molly is one of our cats)(yes, i think the other cats are jealous), harry's been working on turning it into a video album. so far 4 out of 10 videos are complete, and we're shooting the 5th one soon! this is the first one we made, directed by our friend george. see if you can spot yours truly looking goofy.

Friday, January 4, 2013


taken at the MCA, chicago, last august

as usual, like many other people, i made some new years resolutions. be more crafty, eat less dairy, tone down my etsy obsession (GOD IT'S HARD), and blog more. or at all! sadly, today, when i actually have some pictures taken and a post ready in my mind, i discovered that my cable to upload pictures from my camera has vanished! nowhere to be found. johnny cat is looking at me with a devilish look in his eyes, so he's probably hidden it under some piece of furniture somewhere. i've been meaning to buy a new, nicer camera for ages, so maybe this will be the push i needed. for now, just imagine the macarons, big-eyed dog photos, and felix the cat bathroom accessories i was going to show you.